Directions to Petanquedrome

Directions to San Diego Club de Petanque
If using a map program your target is Bud Kearns Municipal Swimming Pool, 2229 Morley Field Dr San Diego, CA 92104
Club de Petanque is downhill and immediately East of the pool facing East on an unnamed service street.
From CA163 Southbound
1. Follow directions to San Diego Zoo/Park Blvd.
2. 163 to Zoo exit to Park Blvd.
3. Left on Park Blvd
4. 1/3 Mile beyond main Zoo Exit about ½ mile
5. Right onto Morley Field Drive
6. Morley Field winds down into canyon crossing Florida Street.
7. After going up hill take first Right into parking lot of sports complex.
8. Tennis Courts & Swimming Pool on right side
9. Drive to far East end of parking lot and park
10. Petanquedrome is immediately South of end of parking lot on right side.
11. Single story building facing East towards service street.

From Interstate 5 South/North
1. Exit Pershing Drive
2. Left on Florida – 1.2m
3. Right/East onto Morley Field Drive
4. Up the hill take first Right into Driveway of Sports Complex
5. Tennis courts and Bud Kearns Pool on right side.
6. Drive to far East end of parking lot and park.
7. Petanquedrome is immediately South of Parking lot and immediately East of swimming pool.

Click here for printable directions and map. Map

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